Fire - Fire Instructor I - INST1-220566

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Brief Description
Provides firefighting personnel with knowledge/skills to meet the standards set out in NFPA 1041.
Full Description
The course is designed for individuals who want to develop the knowledge and ability to deliver instruction effectively from a prepared lesson plan, including instructional aids and evaluation instruments. The Fire Instructor I will adapt lesson plans to the unique requirements of the students and the authority having jurisdiction, organize the learning environment so that learning is maximized, and meet the recordkeeping requirements of the authority having jurisdiction.
Training Dates
03/24/2025 - 04/21/2025
None Specified
Registration Dates
09/25/2024 - 03/29/2025
Available Seats
None Specified
Training Location
24 W. 73rd Ave.
Merrillville, IN  46410 (Lake County)
Resources Required
You must be certified as a First-Class Firefighter or Firefighter II for one year before you will be allowed to test for this certification. If your ACADIS record does not reflect this by the time testing ID's are issued you will not be issued a testing ID.
Reporting Instructions
None Specified

Signup Details


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