K9650 K-9 Credentialing Test-Air Scent Live - 20250906

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Full Description
All teams must complete the canine team pre-test process before attempting to credential test in any categories. A canine team consists of a dog and a handler. The pre-test is not transferable to any other dog or handler. *** The exercises for the pre-test will consist of obedience, socialization/sensitivity, agility and scent recognition. Canine Teams that do not pass the Canine Team Pre-Test in obedience, agility, or socialization/sensitivity, provided they do not fail more than 2 exercises, may retest immediately at the discretion of the evaluator and the availability of resources. However, a failure of the scent recognition portion is an automatic failure and cannot be retested immediately. *** All K-9 Credentialing testing will be opened for two (2) years and one (1) month, to allow for four (4) additional retests. A period of thirty (30) days must lapse between the first test and the second test. A period of six (6) months must lapse between the second, third, fourth and fifth tests. Certificates will be issued as a certification and have a two (2) year expiration date listed on the certificate. The certificates will be issued to the canine and include the handler’s PSID number. *** The test is not transferable to another handler/dog combination.
Training Dates
09/06/2025 - 09/07/2025
None Specified
Registration Dates
03/10/2025 - 09/06/2025
Available Seats
None Specified
Training Location
Indiana Sheriffs’ Youth Ranch
5325 N. State Road 59
Brazil, IN  47834
Reporting Instructions
None Specified

Signup Details


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